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Tampa Sailing


Est. 1964
Club Service
Part of the identity of the Tampa Sailing squadron is our ‘do-it-ourselves’ attitude. After all, we literally built our facility on Apollo Beach Blvd. We keep our expenses, and therefore our dues and fees down by doing our own repairs and many of our construction projects at our monthly work parties. These group labors are good for the Squadron’s bottom line and they are also a good time to socialize, albeit with some sweat involved. Slip renters and those on the slip waiting lists are required to perform service for TSS and all members are encouraged to do so as well. 

However, work parties just don’t work for some people. If you work at your job on Saturdays you may not be able to participate. Child care issues may also be a problem on Saturday’s. Maybe your physical strength isn’t up to manual labor….NO WORRIES!! There are plenty of ways to contribute to the Squadron. Here are just a few suggestions: 

1) Write an article for the newsletter 
2) Join a committee, either a standing committee or a special one 
3) Serve on the board 
4) Host a pot luck dinner 
5) Serve on a race committee 
6) Host a cruise 
7) Volunteer for the Hurricane Action Team 
8) Be a leader for Youth Sailing or the Sea Scouts 
9) Help with the cookouts before membership meetings 
10) Help with a regatta 
a. Obtain raffle prize donations 
b. Help with meals 
c. Distribution of the T-Shirts and meal tickets 
d. Race committee 
e. Check with the Vice Commodore for additional opportunities 
11) Put on a seminar or talk before the membership meeting 
12) Help with the lighted boat parade, chili cook-off or any other special event 
13) Sell advertisements 
14) Use your computer skills in any number of ways 

These are just a few ideas, can you think of any others?? The Commodore, Board members, the Dock Master and the Fleet Captains need your assistance to keep the Club operating and our programs afloat. 

Please let them know you can help!!